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A little about the creator!

Greetings Visitors! My name is Cardell Cole and I'm a comic book illustrator and creator of Top 2, a new up and coming comic book series. I was born and raised in Detroit, MI, joined the military straight out of high school, and later received my Associates in Graphic Design and General Business. I am currently living in Las Vegas, NV. Why am I telling you all of this? Because it just feels good to know a little bit about the creator of a series you've taken an interest in. Shortly after receiving my Associates I started playing with the idea of developing my own comic book, thus the birth of Top 2. My inspirations stem from such Manga as Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, One Piece, Battle Chasers, Dogs, My Hero Academia, etc, etc. Of course, Battle Chasers is not a manga, trust me, I know that! Although it's just the beginning, I plan to go all the way and I hope you all enjoy the ride!



So, what is TOP 2 about?

TOP 2 is about government corruption and what happens when two leaders of integrity try to expose it. The story takes place in a country where the military structure is made up of Guardian Branches (similar to large scale dojos) subject to a ranking system instituted by the government they serve. There are twenty branches all together, each in charge of it's own Province. The two protagonists are leaders, or Grand Masters, of the two highest ranking branches, Dragon and Orthros, in the whole nation. When Ko Stone, the Grand Master of Orthros, receives confidential material confirming government corruption, he begins to whisper a little to loudly, inevitably making himself a target. He then turns to his greatest friend, Michael Orion of Dragon Branch, for an alliance, possibly pitting the two against the country's remaining branches. The decisions they make, along with the interference of other powerful influential forces, leads to a tableau of unintended consequences. 

Digital vs Prints

It should be known from the jump that Top 2 will primarily be a Patreon series. However, there will be limited opportunities to receive printed copies of single (Special Edition) issues. The first of these opportunities is the PATRONS ONLY EDITION, which can be claimed by becoming a $10 patron on Patreon. PATRONS ONLY EDITIONS are only printed once based off the amount of $10 patrons I have and absolutely WILL NOT be printed a second time. The second option is NEW RELEASE PRINTS, which will be printed following every new release, starting with Issue #6. Between 100 to 200 copies will be printed per issue and will have a purchase max of 2 issues (one for yourself and one as a gift). NEW RELEASE PRINTS, like PATRONS ONLY EDITIONS, will only be printed once, so if you want one you'll have to jump on them quick. The great news is that THERE IS A THIRD OPTION!! Volumes, YES, Volumes... will be printed indefinitely! There will always be an opportunity to purchase Volumes. Volumes will consist of five issues each, so even if you miss out on single issues you'll always be able to collect Volumes. But wait! There's more! NFTs of every single issue, including Volumes, will be available on Crypto Comics. So, if you're an NFT guru, then jump right in there, buddy! The link is below.

© 2018 by top2comicbook. Created by Cardell Cole.

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